I ride my bike to the windy city's hidden gems, lost goldmines, new kids on the block, and old standbys then tell you what to think and what to order. Check, czech, Česká it out...

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Duck Stands Alone!

Welcome to GBGB's first ever live post. In honor of our first calendar year of existence and my birthday we are venturing to Sun Wah Barbecue for their legendary duck dinner.

The Cab
This guy took his sweet ass time getting out of my neighborhood, but we got there safe so all's well that ends well.

The Place
It's bigger than we thought it would be.

The Dranks
We have a lot.
Yes, that's Pharrell's signature liqueur Qream in the middle.

They carve the hours table side the way Dexter carves a bad guy in his weird plastic lined rooms.
The duck is made into dumplings and a hearty soup. Delicious all of it. Then again, with enough peach flavored Qream in your system, anything tastes delicious.

Hindsight Commentary
Things decended rather quickly after the first drinks were poored, proving once again that ambition and focus are no match for alcohol.